SocialPilot Named as the Top 10 Bootstrapped Startups in India

Ahmedabad, July 19, 2021: The Indian Wire, an esteemed independent news website managed by Sorting Hat Media Networks Private Limited, recognized SocialPilot as India’s top 10 bootstrapped startup in their recent article.

TIW initiated the conversation by explaining the meaning of Bootstrap, ” Entrepreneurs who bootstrap their businesses rely on their personal resources and first income to support their venture,” and point out their “ability to be free of outside intervention from investors in the starting phase.

The article focused upon the emerging power of Bootstrapped businesses in the Indian Startup ecosystem. TIW further solidified their point by quoting the studies that suggest “more than 80% of new businesses are funded by the founders’ own funds.”

The Indian Wire curated the list after diligent research of the Indian startup market based on the following parameters:

Innovation: The assessment considered the innovative and unique nature of startups.

Workforce: The study also delved deeper into workforce management and talent recruitment by the startups.

Customer-centricity: The list also factors in the user-centric approach of startups in their sales, marketing, and product improvement operations. 

Expense: Another aspect of evaluating sees how well the startups are managing their costs and expenses. 

Data-driven: Finally, the list was looking for startups guiding their action based on market and company data.

SocialPilot stood the test of all evaluations and came out as one of the best startups, owing to the unparalleled functionality of its software suite and ability to introduce features according to customer’s needs at an affordable price. 

SocialPilot’s impeccable scheduling and analytical capabilities enable many social media professionals, digital marketing agencies, social media power users, and SMBs to grow their social media presence successfully, TIW continued.

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